An announcement of a karate seminar with sensei Shimura in Leusden (the Netherlands), by Tsuru-do Kan.
When you think of Japan, you quickly think of majestic mountains, serene temples and the refined art of the tea ceremony. These exotic images are inextricably linked to the country’s rich culture, in which martial arts such as karate also play a central role. But soon a piece of this Japanese tradition will come to quiet Leusden, in the form of a unique karate seminar.
From September 13 to 15, 2024, Leusden will be the setting for a special international karate seminar, organized by Kevin Chao in collaboration with karate association Tsuru-do Kan from Utrecht This event offers advanced karatekas from The Netherlands and abroad the opportunity to train under the guidance of Koichi Shimura JKF Wadokai 8 th dan and chief instructor of the technical committee of JKF Wadokai, who is especially for this seminar coming from Tokyo to the Netherlands.
Gaining knowledge from the heart of the karate style
Shimura sensei is known for his in-depth knowledge of wado ryu karate, one of the four major karate styles. The Wadokai organization, founded in 1934 by Hironori Ohtsuka combines traditional karate techniques with elements of jiu-jitsu. The style is characterized by fluid movement, speed, and strategic dodging through body movement. JKF Wadokai is the first recognized karate organization in Japan and plays an important role in the preservation and spreading of this karate style worldwide.
The seminar, which takes place in Sportcomplex Buiningpark in Leusden, is specifically aimed at advanced karatekas who would like to take their skills to the next level. During three days, participants will follow intensive training sessions, in which both basic techniques (kihon), partner exercises (kihon kumite) and style exercises (kata) of wado ryu karate will be covered. The seminar also offers European participants the opportunity to take part in black belt exams.
Kevin Chao, fifth dan JKF Wadokai, organizer and karate teacher at Tsuru-do Kan is very honoured that Shimura sensei is coming to the Netherlands for the first time for this seminar. According to the karate teacher, it is very special for karatekas to be able to be taught at this level. He travels to Tokyo for a few weeks every year to train with Shimura sensei, therefor it feels nice to share this experience with Dutch karatekas.

Information about the karate seminar with sensei Shimura
For more information about the karate seminar with sensei Shimura, please contact Kevin Chao at:
For more information about karate association Tsuru-do Kan or a trial lesson in karate, visit their website: