After our short vacation – with many Japan Fans performances! – we are back with the seventh lesson of our free online kanji course. With the help of carefully selected teaching materials that are freely available online, we are going to remember all the kanji you need for JLPT level 5. Before we start with this lesson, let’s review all the kanji from the previous lessons! Do you still remember all of them?
Lesson 1: 一, 二, 三 , 四 , 五 , 六 , 七 , 八 , 九 , 十 , 百 , 千 , 万 , and 円 .
Lesson 2: 日、月、火、水、木、金、土、川、and 田 .
Lesson 3: 人, 私, 上,下 , 左 , 右 , 中, and 山 .
Lesson 4: 雨 , 大 , 本 , 今 , 何 , 母 , 父 , 男 , 女 , and 子 .
Lesson 5: 友, 出 , 年 , 国 , 会 , 名 , 天 and 休.
Lesson 6: 小 , 先 , 入 , 分 , 前 , 半 , 学 and 多 .
All good? Then let’s start with the set for this week: 後, 午 , 時 , 行 , 見 , 生 , and 口 .

Remember 前 aka “mae”? Yup, it means “in front” and 後 is its opposite: “behind, [at the] back”. Of: “after, later”. Meaning: After, later, back. Onyomi: Go/Kou. Kunyomi: Ato/Okure(ru)/Nochi. This is the stroke order:

Vocabulary: 午後 (ごご – gogo) means “afternoon”. Could you now guess what 午 stands for? Yup, it means “noon”. ^_^ Normally, you just pronounce it like Go [ご] . This is the stroke order:

Vocabulary: 何時 (なんじ – nanji) means “What time?” – so, could you guess the meaning of 時 ? Yes, it is “Time, Hour”. Onyomi: Ji [じ], Kunyomi: Toki [とき]. The character is composed of sun (日) and temple (寺), for in temples, monks know the Time by watching the position of the sun. This is the stroke order:

Meaning: To walk, to go, to carry out
Onyomi: Kou [こう]
Kunyomi: I(ku)/Yu(ku)/Okona(u) [い(く) / ゆ(く)/おこな(う)]
Vocabulary: 銀行 – ぎんこう – ginkou – Bank
This is the stroke order:

Meaning: To see, to be visible, to show
Onyomi: Ken [けん]
Kunyomi: Mi(ru)/Mi(eru)/Mi(seru) [み(る)/み(える)/み(せる)]
Meaning: To live, to grow, be born, raw
Onyomi: Sei / Shou [せい/しࠂう]
Kunyomi: : I(kiru)/U(mu)Nama/Ki [い(きࠆ/(う(/(な߹/き]
Vocabulary: 学生 – がくせい – gakusei – a student

Meaning: Mouth
Onyomi: Kou/Ku [こう/く]
Kunyomi: Kuchi [くち]
Vocabulary: 火口 – かこう – kakou – the crater of a volcano

Wrap it up…
Here are some videos featuring many of the kanji you already learned. Enjoy!
How do you find learning kanji? Which ones are difficult for you? And do you have any questions? Discuss it in our Facebook group. Native speakers as well as professional Japanese teachers are happy to help you in you learning journey.