Welcome to the third lesson of our free virtual kanji course. We are happy that you joined us! In this course, you will be taught new kanji each week and eventually you will have learned all the kanji for the JLPT N5! This third lesson consists of your next set of kanji, with clear images for the stroke order and some fun videos. Let’s learn 人, 私, 上 , 下 , 左 , 右 , 中, and 山 .

If you struggle with learning kanji, just check out the video below for some kanji study tips by Mori, including some suggestions for apps. Which apps do you use for your Japanese learning? 🙂
Now, without further ado, let’s start learning our new set of kanji! This week, we’ll work on learning 人, 私, 上 , 下 , 左 , 右 , 中, and 山 . If there’s anything unclear to you, just ask your question(s) in our Facebook group. Native speakers as well as professional Japanese teachers are happy to help you in you learning journey.
Let’s start with one you probably already knew! 人 (ひと) means “person”. This is the stroke order:

Another familiar one? 私 (わたし) means “I” – it’s a polite first-person singular pronoun. You can combine these two kanji, for example in a sentence like “私はイギリス人です。” – “I am British”. But 私 can also be used to express “personal”, “private” and even “secret”. This is the stroke order:

上 (うえ) means the “above”/”up”, the “top” or the “surface of”. This is the stroke order:

下 (した) is the antonym of 上 , so it means “the below”. This is the stroke order:

左 (ひだり) means left. This is the stroke order:

右 (みぎ) means right. This is the stroke order:

Practise with 上 , 下 , 左 , 右 :
中 (なか) means “in”, “inside”, “middle”, “medium” and “center”. This is the stroke order:

山 (やま) means “mountain”. This is the stroke order:

…and those were the kanji for this week! 人, 私, 上 , 下 , 左 , 右 , 中, and 山 . Please, do not forget to repeat the ones you learnt in lesson one and lesson two. ^_^ Below is a small quiz, if you like, you can discuss it in our Facebook group. Native speakers as well as professional Japanese teachers are happy to help you in you learning journey.
クイズ (yup, that means “quiz”)
🌙 – 日 or 月 ?
🌞 – 日 or 月 ?
️️🔥 – 火 or 水 ?
💦 – 火 or 水 ?
⛰️ – 山 or 川 ?
⬅️ – 左 or 右 ?
🆙 – 上 or下 ?

Quick links:
Kanji lesson one.
Kanji lesson two.