“Standing on the Miraculous Field” is a new performance by storyteller Terra, made possible with the support of the Japan Fans Foundation.
The latest performance piece of Storyteller Terra Norihiro Terazawa will be premiered in Amsterdam’s Mezrab on Sunday, March 26th at 20:00.

Japan has a rich tradition of folktales, many of which have been passed down through generations. These stories often feature supernatural or mythical elements, and are intended to teach lessons or convey moral values. With his work, Terra adds a new layer to this tradition.
Terra is from Japan, and studied drama in Israel, and storytelling across Europe. He loves telling unheard, unexpected, and transformational stories — all with lightness and a cheeky smile.
As a Storyteller and Nature Farmer based in Den Haag, The Netherlands, Terra Norihiro Terazawa poses a vital question to the modern world about the thriving and decaying relationship between nature and human nature.
“Standing on the Miraculous Field” is about nature and human nature. Recalling childhood, Terra and his girlfriend Lisa visit a school to learn about sustainable farming in Japan — and are asked to do absolutely nothing. With simple storytelling yet bold symbolism, this work calls on humans to dissolve into nature.
The play discusses themes of overabundance, lending an alternative philosophy to our social assumption that “bigger is better. It uses the ideologies of Nature Farming to challenge the flaws of commercialism. This show gives an excellent reason… to relax our constant strive for more, and it gifts us with an intimate example of gentle mercy.
My Entertainment World

Through our study group we came into contact with Terra Norihiro Terazawa – storyteller. His dreams – to create a world where we all can share our stories to nourish, heal our souls and empower us – deeply resonate with the spirit of Japan Fans. That is why we want to call on everyone to support him! Learn more about Terra and his work in this interview.
As soon as we realise our dream of opening up our own Japanese Art & Culture Centre in Utrecht, we hope to invite Terra to perform there for us – and maybe teach us some Japanese storytelling workshops as well?