The first Japanese art that many people encounter is the art of paper folding: origami! In this video, Japan Fan Farah from Pakistan folds a cute little origami cat. A step by step follow along video.
As most Japan Fans probably already know, “Origami” is the word for the Japanese art of folding paper (Japanese: 折り紙, “ori”, folding, and “kami”, paper). It is a fun hobby that requires little special knowledge or materials and can give you great satisfaction.

Easy Origami Cat – step by step
Japan Fan Farah from Pakistan is an enthusiastic DIYer. When she saw this easy origami cat head, she immediately wanted to share with us another model she knew. Click on the video below to see how to fold this cute little cat. Thank you, Farah!
By the way, did you also see Farah’s first video? In it she folds cute origami foxes. Very sweet and not difficult to fold (at all), these would make a very nice gift for a friend.
Finished Origami Models
Do you also love folding origami, but you don’t know where to put all your finished creations? Then read WaBi’s blog, that shows you how to make beautiful decorations from your origami art. The Japan Fans Utrecht regularly donate nice decorations to hospitals and nursing homes in the region. If you like, you can share your origami artworks with other Japan Fans in our Facebook group! You might even find someone there – a new pen pal – who wants to swap with you?

Japanese Art & Culture Centre Utrecht
When we one day have our own centre for Japanese arts and culture in Utrecht, we would of course try to organise nice origami workshops there every week!