A haiku for a cat written by Martine and read in our Utrecht haiku group. Dedicated to the “dojo cat”, that wanders around our dojo – the place where we practice budo – and one time jumped on her bike.

Kot na rowerze
powiedziała: ‘głupi kot’
Kot powiedział ‘miau’

A cat on my bike
I said ‘hey, you crazy cat!’
And the cat said ‘meow’

Een kat op mijn fiets
Ik zei: ‘hé, jij maffe kat’
En de kat zei ‘mauw’
“As a reaction to some Dutch newspaper clippings about the nuisance costed by cats on the streets, I wrote this small and child-like ‘haiku for a cat’. I tried it out in three different languages: Dutch (the language of the country I live in), English (the language shared by most of my friends) and Polish (the language I am learning at this moment)”, Martine explains. “But now, I wish to rewrite it in Japanese as well, of course! Well, who knows, one day… since we started our Japanese study group, I am getting better at it, so…”
Do you also wish to write haiku? Consider joining our Japan Fans haiku group in Utrecht.