Would you like to do more with your interest in Japanese art and culture? Japan Fans is a collaborative community – based in the center of Utrecht – where people of all ages and diverse backgrounds feel welcome to partake in promoting and preserving Japanese customs, in order to build bridges between our cultures. If you’d like to help us with our mission & vision, check out the Japan Fans Vacancies below.
What are the Japan Fans Vacancies?
We have many vacancies, for example for social media creatives, musicians, artists, bloggers, cooks, martial artists and more, and are also open to new initiatives. Get in touch if you want to contribute! We offer a great team, friendship and inspiration and a modest volunteer fee.

Social Media Tigers
We are looking for passionate and creative social media managers to join our team. As a social media manager, you will be working to develop, implement and manage a social media strategy for Japan Fans. If you are interested in adding value to our community by creating original and interesting posts on your favourite social media platform(s), we would love to get to know you.
Our social media channels: Facebook ・FB Group ・Instagram ・LinkedIn ・Twitter ・Pinterest
Are you a musician who builds bridges between Japan and your own culture(s)? Then we would like to put you in the spotlight by having a “virtual concert” on the site. As soon as it is safe to do so again, we would also like to organise live concerts on De Middengaarde. Moreover, we aim to start a series of workshops on Japanese musics.
Are you an artist inspired by Japan? Then we are looking for you – for both virtual and real life demonstrations, exhibitions and workshops. As an artist at Japan Fans, we will promote you through our website and our social media. We will also have our first exhibition soon, in the Werfkelder (Oudegracht, centre of Utrecht).
Are you a blogger and would you like to contribute to our website? Our blogs are in Dutch or English, and cover a wide range of topics – as long as they touch on Japanese art and culture. The copyright remains with you (and so you may republish your blog elsewhere if you wish). If you also have your own blogging site, we would of course like to link to it and promote it.
Do you love cooking and baking and like to be inspired by Japanese cuisine? On Japan Fans, we want to collect the tastiest recipes, to bring a bit of the Japanese atmosphere into your home. Contact us if you would like to share your recipe(s) – in words, pictures and/or video.
Martial Artists
Are you a budoka who likes to share your knowledge of your martial art? We are looking for people who like to offer demonstrations, workshops and trainings. We have two designated locations available for this – the Middengaarde and our satellite dojo in Zeist – that can be with as well as without tatami flooring. In addition, we are also looking for martial artists who would like to write blogs and videos about their budo.
Besides the Japan Fans Vacancies listed above, Japan Fans is always open to new, fun, original and creative ways to foster friendship and inspiration between people from over the whole world who are interested in Japanese art and culture. So, if you have a good idea for a contribution or cooperation, please let us know! We could use all help to realise our dream of a Japanese Art & Culture Centre in Utrecht.