Free Japanese lessons via our Japanese Study Group in Utrecht
Practising Dutch and/or learning Japanese? You can do so for free with Japan Fans, by joining our Japanese Study Group in Utrecht.
Every Friday afternoon we meet on the first floor of the Leidse Rijn library (of course, this will change when we open our own Japanese Cultural Centre, but for now, we are quite happy with our location).
The Japanese lessons are taught by Yuko Kabashima, a native speaker with a teaching qualification (specifically for Japanese to non-native speakers) and years of experience. Participation is free (but a voluntary contribution of €1 per time is certainly welcome). Anyone is free to join one or more of these three blocks.
Praktical information can be found in the Studygroup FAQ
Are you interested in joining? Participation is free and you can sign up with Martine of bij de event coördinator. Just let us know you’re coming and we’ll take that into account.

Learn Japanese (and Dutch!) with other Japan Fans
Don’t worry about your level of Japanese, everyone is welcome. Some of us had never learned Japanese before joining the group, others could already hold a decent conversation… and most of the participants were somewhere in between.
Depending on who’s attending, we can also provide help with learning the Dutch language. Let us know if you are interested in that!
Oh and PS: we regularly bring along some sweets! 😉
Some study material from the Japanese Study Group in Utrecht:

Online Japanese Language Lessons
Additional explanations and exercises for learning Japanese can also be found via our Instagram , Twitter and Facebook group.
If you like our Japanese Study Group in Utrecht, you might also like our Utrecht Haiku Group and/or our Japanese Book Club.
Read more about the Japanese Language & Culture:
Free Kanji Course – lesson two
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Free Kanji Course – lesson one
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Homework: one-minute-speech!
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Grammatica – no (の)
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